
subject:initial productsin inspection
Please note:you are not authorized to ship any products bearing any UL marks untill the initial production inspecton has been successfully conducated by the UL field representative.
An initial production inspection (IPI) is an inspection that must be conducted prior to the first shipment of products bearing the UL Mark.This is to ensure that products being manufactured are in accordance with UL'S requirements inculding the Follow-Up Service Procedure.After the UL Representative has
verified compliance of your product(s).authorization will be granted for shipment of product(s) bearing the appropriate UL Marks as denoted in the Procedure.
英语人气:662 ℃时间:2021-01-20 08:30:38
主题:起始的productsin 检验
请注意:你没被授权运送带 UL 标志的任何的产品,直到开始的产品检查已经成功地连接到代表的 UL 领域.
最初的产品检验 (IPI) 一定是在带 UL Mark的产品的第一装船之前引导的检验.这将确定被制造的产品是否符合 UL 的需求.包括追踪领先服务.
不好意思 一些专业术语不会 将就一下吧
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