
Last Sunday I went to the cinema and saw a film------tells a story of an American high school girl------woke up one day to find that her father,------she has never seen,is a king.Before she know she was a princess,she was the most unpopular girl in school,the kind of girl------few people would give a second look.
Things were not the same when it became known that she was a princess.She no longer had peace at the school------she studied.She frightened by those------only wanted to make a fool of her or use her.It tured out that the only people------she could depend were those------had always stood by her in the days------she was unpopular.There were many moments------she wanted to run away from this life,but in the end she was encouraged by her father's letter and she was able to lead the life of a real princess.
I think the Princess Diaries is a really good film.
英语人气:819 ℃时间:2019-09-09 11:35:21
Last Sunday I went to the cinema and saw a film (which) tells a story of an American high school girl (who) woke up one day to find that her father,(whom) she has never seen,is a king.Before she know ...
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