now the weather is becoming warmer and warmer.I like spring best,because it is full of energy as well as activity.Many beautiful flowers are coming into bloom.Hyacinth is famous for its rich fragrance which also has many kinds of colours,such as white,light pink,light purple,red and so on.
楼主说是50字左右 所以就写这些了哦哦
- 1今年五一是星期几?
- 2六边形ABCDEF的每个内角都是120度,AF=BA=2,BC=CD=3,求DE,EF.
- 3(应用于地质学中)
- 4哪位能解释下芬兰的冰川湖和挪威峡湾的成因?
- 5已知车长182米,每秒行20米,慢车长1034米,每秒行18米.两车同向而行,当快车车尾接慢车车头时,称快车穿过慢车,则快车穿过慢车的时间是_秒.
- 6“高温危险 严禁覆盖” 麻烦哥哥们翻译成英语一下下
- 7赞美蚂蚁的句子
- 8用“冀鸿”二字写一首藏头诗以表达父母对儿子的爱和希望
- 9伽利略与亚里士多德的观点辨析
- 1020,75,36,45的最小公倍数.
- 11mar whrite told tom not to throw paper on the ground改为复合句怎么改
- 12AA CE