【计算机英语】by using my favorite technique, there's nothing to stop me from...

【计算机英语】by using my favorite technique, there's nothing to stop me from...
by using my favorite technique, there's nothing to stop me from getting the same effects of storing one Aggregate at a time if I really want to by letting the Repositories hide the Unit of Work and Identity Map.
Aggregate 不用翻译
Repositories 不用翻译
Unit of Work 不用翻译
Identity Map. 不用翻译
英语人气:468 ℃时间:2019-08-18 07:04:46
如果我非常想做的话,靠使用我最拿手的方法,我绝对可以通过让Repositories把Unit of Work和Identity Map隐藏起来以达到与将Agreegate逐一储存相同的效果.
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