realize that my score in this English test is too bad and my grade decreased a lot. Thus, I need to work hard in future. I make a plan to do the following things. I will read our textbook for longer time than before, and I will do more practice questions. If I have some questions, I will ask my teacher right away. Also, I will listen to the lecture much more carefully, and work harder on our homework. And I will preview and/or review our textbook for at least 30 minutes everyday after I finish my homework. I promise that my grade will increase after I make these efforts. Work hard!
PS :可以适当加一些关于暑假之类的字眼
- 1There are fifty students in our class 的同意句 _ _ fifty students in our class
- 2设a为实数,函数f(x)=x²+|x-a|+1,x∈R,求函数的最小值
- 3《假如生活欺骗了你》表达了诗人对美好未来的热烈向往与追求勇于面对现实拥抱苦难的诗句是?
- 4学校餐厅买来300千克大米,买来的大米比面粉多五分之一,买来面粉多少千克
- 5已知直线y=kx+1(k大于0),求k为何值时与坐标轴所围成的三角形的面积等于1
- 6一立方花岗岩等于多少吨
- 7怎么证明匀变速直线运动中某段过程中间时刻的瞬时速度等于该过程的平均速度,即V中=1\2[V0+Vt]
- 8请用简略的语言叙写一则你所搜集的文明礼仪历史故事
- 9如图,△ABC中,∠BAC=Rt∠,AD⊥BC于D,BF平分∠ABC,交AD于E,求证DE:AE=AF:CF
- 10证明:函数f(x)=x的平方+x在(负二分之一,正无穷大)上是增函数,